Oxford University Press Bond 11+ exam practice and support
- Audience : Parents , Schools , Students , Teachers
- Category : Global Academic Pathways
- Sub-Category : Exam Preparation
Bond offers essential practice and support for children aged 5 through to 13 who are sitting the 11+, Common Entrance exams or Key Stage 2 SATs. Covers English, Maths, Verbal Reasoning and Non-verbal Reasoning. Focused support for both GL Assessment and CEM 11+ exams.
Description :
Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. In fulfilling its objective of the furtherance of learning and culture, OUP is committed to continuous development of its scholarly and educational publishing, responding to the growing need for school, college, and academic books and information via diverse media, and extending and strengthening its international activities.
Age Range :
Language :
Service Area :
Hong Kong
Minimum Price (USD) :
Remark :
USD11-14 HK$88-110